Typical Day
Typical days in Free Spirit throughout the programs may be in the kibbutz, on a farm, during excursions or during expedition days. To give you a taste, here are some representative samples of a few of those.

Routine days at the Kibbutz
8:00am – 9:00am
- Reveille –wake up, get ready
- Good morning –group meeting (check-in, daily plans and goals)
- Breakfast, Cleanup
9:00am – *Morning Period activities
1:00pm – Lunch
1:30pm – Mid-day meeting - reflection, leading question
1:45pm – Downtime, school work and individual meetings
3:00pm – *Afternoon period
5:45pm – Pre-dinner group meeting
6:00pm – Dinner
6:45pm – Downtime, school work and individual meetings
8:15pm – Evening period –social/cultural activities at the club
9:45pm – End-of-Day Meeting (check-in, conclusions and resolutions)
10:45pm – Winding Down and bedtime
*Period content varies and may include Hebrew classes, Krav Maga, dog handling, photography, music classes, other workshops, social activities, volunteer work at the Kibbutz, Skills and other extracurricular activities,.

Special daily excursions
Typically, once a week when there are not in one of our expedition data (see below), we tour the country. We usually visit locations like Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Acer, Nazareth, Judea Desert and other places. On those days, wake up, preparations and return vary according to the site visited (for example, the Masada day trip starts as early as 4AM so to arrive by sunrise).
The trip and visits include inspirational sites and meetings with individuals from the various cultural aspects of Israel.

Expedition days

Expeditions are five-day trips in the outdoors, to the Israeli desert, the Galilee, and the Mediterranean sea by boat.
A typical day schedule for expeditions may look somewhat like this:
6:00am – Wake up
6:30am – Good morning meeting (group play and day overview, personal goals)
7:15am – Breakfast (self-made), organize for departure
Day schedule dependent on group decision:
Skills acquisition based on need
Hiking and navigation, challenges, and processing
Hiking and navigation, challenges, and processing
Night base arrival – shelter, food prep
Late dinner
Day summary meeting