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The Full Story
Free Spirit is like nothing you have ever experienced. We truly believe in Challenge by Choice and want you to choose to come and spend some time with us! Most of the guys and girls who come are surprised by nature and "feel" of Free Spirit – the amount of freedom and respect you receive, the opportunities to do the things you want to do, and the courage to try new things and push your own comfort zone further than you thought possible. This is one decision you will not regret! Free Spirit is a co-ed program, with separated rooms and living areas for boys and girls. Our rooms in the Kibbutz are comfortable, albeit somewhat basic. Each room does have its own bathroom and shower, and you will most likely share your room with one or two other participants. Who are we looking for? Our program is geared toward youth ages 14-19 and 18-24 from all around the world who are experiencing some difficulties, which they are struggling to solve on their own. You best fit our program if you yourself are interested and willing to come to Israel for an exceptional experience with the added benefit of personal growth. What we do Here are a few examples of difficulties you may find some answers to in our program: You are too frustrated with adults or peers in your environment, and they might be very frustrated with you in return You are at lost with social interactions and can't seem to figure out how to conduct yourself in a manner that is positive and allows you to achieve your goals You feel depressed about life, your family or your social situation You feel anxious in some or many situations to the extent that it interferes with life You are not sure what went wrong but people around you keep telling you something is wrong and you want to try and address that Your school has "had it" with you and you feel like you have to do better, but not sure what or how We'll love to have you with us even if you are just looking for some progress but are not sure whether the difficulties you are experiencing are that serious! What others said about their experience Here are a few things our participants wrote about us, in their own words: “Every day we do something different, which is great. 2 weeks have gone quickly, which means we’re having fun. One of my favourite activities so far was the camping trip because we joined with other kids on the kibbutz and were able to merge with them and become part of their group” “It’s a lot more personal than other programs that I’ve been on. The staff to participant ratio is 3-2. Even with that, we have a lot of independence, and I really like that“ "Everyone here has been amazing. I have a different relationship with all the staff and I love each relationship” "I’ve learned that I’m capable and able to be independent in a new place. I now have a lot of tools to help me. I also realized here that I prefer having responsibility and it’s helped. I’m coming out of