Kibbutz Hazorea- staying close... being independent
If you want to stay close to the place and people that they know from the first semester.
Great choice if you to work in and experience the kibbutz community life and more independently.
Community life.
Working days.
More daily support and supervision

Options in the Kibbutz-
Participants have the option to stay in an apartment in Hazorea. Usually, staying alone or with one roommate max.
Participants who choose that option can work in some community work like:
The dining room.
Fish pond.
The Kolbo grocery store.
Volunteer in the education field at the Kibbutz
Working at the horse farm or working with the cows' farm.
At this option, the staff of FS is very present and the interaction between the YA could be on a daily process.
To whom it's fit:
Participants want to stay close to the place and people that they know from the first semester.
People want to practice this kind of work and want to experience the kibbutz community more independently.