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First aid course and practice

Over the past few decades the field of Emergency Medicine has been quickly emerging and developing. Spreading across countries just as soon as it began to take form, first among professionals and then, as it solidified, amongst the general population.
This development came from the clear understanding that an exhaustive and full medical training is not necessary to acquire the skills needed to save lives. Rather, a certain basic training is sufficient to provide the tools for critical first aid even for those who do not work in the medical field on a daily basis.

First aid course and practice

Over the past few decades the field of Emergency Medicine has been quickly emerging and developing. Spreading across countries just as soon as it began to take form, first among professionals and then, as it solidified, amongst the general population.
This development came from the clear understanding that an exhaustive and full medical training is not necessary to acquire the skills needed to save lives. Rather, a certain basic training is sufficient to provide the tools for critical first aid even for those who do not work in the medical field on a daily basis.

The Values and the ability to provide to it’s students, beyond the basic mandatory first aid curriculum, the tools and preparation for ideal for dealing with real potential emergency situations.
The students to the field of Emergency Medicine through everyday life in the attempt to create a connection between the subject matter and common emergency situations in life of the students.
A diploma recognized by the Ministry of health will be issued for students who have successfully passed the tests at end of the course.

After the test we will provide you time for practice in hikes, sport's events and more.

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