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Gap Year Application Form

About Us

Our goal is to support you on a process of discovery and personal growth. Free Spirit is a "challenge by choice" program where every participant willingly contracts to participate and engage with the staff and group members throughout the program.

About the form

Please take your time going through the following questions. We would love to get to know you better and prepare for your arrival. All the information provided is confidential and will be used to learn to know you better. Also, we are happy to discuss any questions, concerns, or important information you want to share with us verbally. 

Details about yourself

Some information about you

Your preferences

Your personal reason for joining us at Free Spirit

General needs and accommodations

You may choose to answer these questions on your own or ask your parents if it is easier. Questions about your medical health and medications will come later on. At this point, please take a moment to help us understand and prepare for possible accommodations that we may need to provide.

Thanks for submitting!

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